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IMI representatives: Russian propagandists say the shelled Sumy TPP was a drone factory

12.04.2024, 10:46

After the Russian army struck the Sumy thermal power plant on April 11, their propagandists started falsely claiming that they had destroyed a drone factory warehouse, said Alyona Yatsyna, the IMI representative in the Sumy oblast, on Hromadske Radio.

"The occupiers assure their audience that this was their goal," Yatsyna said.

One of the sources spreading such propaganda is the Telegram channel "Upravlenie Z".

It is being used to spread allegations that the Russian army targeted a factory assembling the Ukrainian drones "Baba Yaga" and manufacturing parts for FPV drones.

Russia is spreading fake news about a strike on a drone factory in Sumy. Photo – screenshot from the propaganda Telegram channel "Upravlenie Z"

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