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Occupiers in Luhansk oblast threaten locals with torture chambers for attempts to use mobile connection

25.09.2023, 15:29

Russians threaten locals with torture chambers for climbing onto the roofs of high-rise buildings to make phone calls, reports the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration.

"The occupiers promised the residents of the front-line cities that the mobile connection would be switched on after the so-called 'first election'. They did not specify, however, how many months or years later. Now the rooftops of high-rise buildings, where you previously could catch the signal, have warnings saying that talking on the phone in this area could earn you a trip to a torture chamber," the OMA writes.

As reported by IMI, Luhansk is experiencing issues with WhatsApp. In Donetsk oblast, the occupiers have introduced wartime censorship and prohibited mass rallies.

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