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Occupiers in the Kherson oblast install antennas to broadcast Russian TV

04.01.2024, 15:52

On January 2, the Russians started installing antennas for broadcasting their propaganda TV in the temporarily occupied part of the Kherson oblast, report the Southern Ukraine Defense Forces.

Such antennas are being installed in the temporarily occupied cities of Henichesk, Skadovsk and Zalizny Port.

"In this way, the occupation authorities are trying to step up the creation of an information vacuum around the local population," the Defense Forces note.

In particular, the antennas have already been found to cover at least 30 residential buildings in Henichesk, 18 residential buildings in Skadovsk, and buildings on the outskirts of Zalizny Port.

The Defense Forces urge Ukrainian citizens not to succumb to the occupiers' propaganda.

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