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Presidential Mission in Crimea: Crimeans are showing their disdain for Russian symbols

08.09.2023, 16:30
Photo: the Presidential Mission in the AR Crimea
Photo: the Presidential Mission in the AR Crimea

The people of the temporarily occupied Crimea openly show the occupiers their disdain for Russian symbols. This was reported by the Ukrainian President's Mission in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The mission reported on the examples of the Crimeans' resistance.

For isntance, a 23-year-old resident of Bağçasaray urinated onto an installation with the Russian symbols "Z" and "V".

A Simferopol woman also expressed her protest against Russia's actions by smashing a makeshift "memorial to the Wagnerites" near the monument to the Russian occupiers.

Another man in Kerch posted an image of a trident, a girl with the Ukrainian flag, and the caption "Glory to Ukraine" on Odnoklassniki, which caused great outrage on the part of the occupation administration, the Mission notes.

"In Sevastopol, an elderly man at a supermarket publicly asserted that the occupiers had no place in Crimea and in a month all Russians would have to 'scram' from there. Moreover, the man later refused to make a video apology to the Russian Federation and Putin, as is usually demanded by the occupiers when they detain someone," the Mission notes.

The occupiers also forced another elderly man to record an apology video for making pro-Ukrainian graffiti on his neighbors' fences: he was to plead guilty for "discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The Ukrainian President's Mission in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea remarks that the Crimean youth is also actively resisting the occupiers. For example, a 22-year-old girl from Bağçasaray posted a video of herself getting a trident tattoo.

The Presidential Mission also notes that the new unlawful administrative proceedings in the Crimean occupation courts, prosecuting people for "discrediting the Russian Armed Forces" testify to the rise in resistance.

According to the Mission, as of September, 473 cases have been filed under this article. Of these, in 402 cases, the court ruled to impose a fine on the perpetrator.

As reported by IMI, a Russia-controlled court in the temporarily occupied Crimea arrested a 23-year-old man from Bağçasaray, Oleksandr Tyurenko, for two months after detaining him for urinating onto an installation with the letters Z and V. He is accused of vandalism motivated by political hatred (Part 2 of Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The man faces up to three years in prison.

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