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Someone hacks the website, posts Russian disinformation on Avdiivka

18.02.2024, 21:10

The online media outlet reports that their website has been hacked and is posting Russian disinformation about Avdiivka. The editors declare that they are not involved in the publication of Russian disinformation.

As the media outlet writes, the fake news about the Russians "crushing" the elite UAF units in Avdiivka were posted on February 18 at 2:30 p.m.

The editors quickly removed the fake news from the news feed, but the material was still available for some time and was automatically shared on the outlet's X account. apologizes to readers and is investigating the possible security gaps to fix the situation and prevent it from repeating.

"We emphasize that our editorial team only posts reliable and verified information and only reports on the frontline events citing competent sources such as the official UAF spokesperson, the military command and the state leadership," the editorial team declares.

On February 18, 2024, the online media outlet "Ukrainian Pravda" reported their X account being hacked; the perpetrators started posting fakes such as news of Russians "crushing" elite UAF units in Avdiivka.

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