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File a complaint under weekly hacker attack

21.02.2024, 11:46

Co-founders of the online platform have been recording weekly cyberattack attempts, but the team constantly repels them. In addition to the cyberattacks, the Russians are trying to promote their narratives on the platform.

The head of communications Olena Kuk spoke about this on the Ukrainian Radio.

She noted that security is a top priority for Furthermore, the platform is anonymous, so people don't have to worry about their data getting into the wrong hands. Moderators only pass the on statements to the police with people's permission.

"We did everything to ensure that this platform was reliable, that there was maximum protection against cyber attacks, that backups are created all the time, so that these data are never lost and are preserved," says Olena.

The online platform can also be used as a personal diary. The moderators have no access to those, so they will not make the information that a person writes down public or pass it on to the law enforcement.

Since the Russians are unable to hack the platform, they are trying to push their narratives through it, so the content people upload for publication is carefully moderated.

"Every memory, every testimony goes through additional moderation so as not to let pro-Russia narratives and Russian propaganda pass through our platform," Olena Kuk explains.

The primaty talking point of such narratives is that "all is lost, we've been betrayed, the government is bad, the Ukrainian military is bombing civilians."

"All these things are the Kremlin sounding its mouthpiece all the time, and it is very important to read the text carefully. Sometimes there can be a barely noticeable comparison between Ukraine and the Russian regime. Our team rereads it several times in order to notice the propaganda sprinkled in," says Olena.

There is a separate "button" for the people in the occupied territories. If the person is in the occupied territories, they can press the button and the note will be saved later, when they feel safe.

The purpose of the platform is to spread the testimonies and memories by Ukrainians beyond Ukraine. It can also be a personal war diary. The website allows you to safely and reliably store your lived experience of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and collect evidence of all the atrocities and war crimes committed by the Russians.

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