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The NYT article was written by journalists recruited while working in Russia – CCD

25.12.2023, 15:36

The New York Times article about Russia's supposed readiness for peace talks, featuring a comment by the Russian President's spokesperson Dmitri Peskov, was written by journalists who were recruited by Russia while working there, reports the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security Council.

The article "Putin Quietly Signals He Is Open to a Cease-Fire in Ukraine" was co-written by Anton Troianovski, Adam Entous and 

The CCD cited possible reasons for Russia to be interested in peace talks.

"The longer the war lasts, the more Russia is weakened economically, technologically, and demographically. The Russian Federation is becoming increasingly technologically dependent on China in many fields that will make up the economy of the future. If the war lasts for a couple of years more, it will intensify this process," the Center for Countering Disinformation notes.

Moreover, with this article Russia may be sending a sort of signal to other countries to prevent further Western military aid to the UAF.

"This is also an attempt to boost Donald Trump's ratings, as he is ready to 'give away' part of the Ukrainian land to Putin," the CCD noted.

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